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Engagement für Bildung und soziale Gerechtigkeit


Commitment to education & social justice 2022

Commitment to education & social justice

Nested Applications

Commitment to education and social justice 2022

The social year 2022 was dominated by the Russian-Ukrainian war, which escalated following a military attack by Russia in February 2022 and continues to this day. The Messer workforce also shares in the suffering of people affected by war and flight around the world. Therefore, Messer has set up the international internal aid fund "MesserAid" for private donations from employees, management and the Supervisory Board as well as people associated with Messer. The company matched the amount of private donations received. The money donated from the aid fund will benefit our employees in Ukraine and their families, as well as other people affected. Part of the donation will be used to help our workforce rebuild and resume their lives in the country after the war hopefully ends soon.

MesserAid is intended to have three benefits. Firstly, it helps the men, women and children affected. But the fund also encourages people to help themselves. Getting personally involved in helping others is a good way to combat the helplessness of just having to watch others suffer. Many colleagues at Messer have direct contact with refugees who are now living in their country. They help with the basic needs of these people, provide comfort, organize everyday life or actions that make children happy. To help here, support from MesserAid can be applied for. A committee examines the applications and releases the corresponding amounts. The individual initiatives are described under a specially created stream in Messer's internal communication app. In this way, all the people at Messer who have paid money into the aid fund are actively helping to alleviate need. And this is the third benefit of MesserAid: creating a sense of "we" through solidarity and deriving something positive from it yourself.

Messer deliberately refrains from communicating this commitment in social media and the local press and from making individual actions public. We are proud of the international Messer team, its willingness to help, social commitment and prudence.

A total of 193 Messer 2022 locations worldwide got involved in the form of cash and in-kind donations, social events or for social institutes. Our teams supported a total of 298 actions for social causes.

UN Goals Engagement for education & social equity

  • UN Goal - No poverty
  • UN Goal - Zero hunger
  • UN Goal - Good health and well-being
  • UN Goal - Quality education
  • UN Goal - Gender equality
  • UN Goal - Clean water and sanitation
  • UN Goal - Affordable and clean energy
  • UN Goal - Decent work and economic growth
  • UN Goal - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • UN Goal - Reduced inequalities
  • UN Goal - Sustainable cities and communities
  • UN Goal - Responsible consumption and production
  • UN Goal - Climate action
  • UN Goal - Life below water
  • UN Goal - Life on land
  • UN Goal - Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • UN Goal - Partnerships for the goals

Commitment to training, education or science

Commitment to combat poverty and fight for social justice

The foundations

On April 6, 1978, Dr. Hans Messer and his family established the private charitable foundation now known as the Dr. Hans Messer Foundation. The independent foundation is a shareholder of the Messer Group and promotes education, science and research throughout Germany.
In the social and health spheres Ria Messer established a second charitable foundation – today’s Ria Messer Foundation – in memory of her husband Dr. Hans Messer.

The activities of both charitable foundations are independent of those of Messer.

Foundations Examples